
Children are eligible to visit the Osteopath from any age, in fact newborn assessments are the most common paediatric patients we see. The reason for newborn children (0-3months old) seeing an osteopath can relate to a birth of long duration, assisted birth (forceps/ventouse), a “quick” birth, prematurity, cesarean section birth, torticollis (head tilt), plagiocephaly (flat head), hip dysplasia, reflux and colic. Toddlers often present with sinusitis/recurring ear infections, gait issues (walking and crawling), constipation and hip dysplasia. We use gentle techniques to articulate the joints and improve function. Older children may present with scoliosis (twisted/curved spine), hypermobility, shin splints, Osgood-schlatters (knee joint condition), Sever’s (heel pain) and growing pains.



Ana Mackay / Spine / Pregnancy / Osteopathy
